Sheilah Dooley, RN, BSN, MS
Executive Director
508.755.1228, ext. 250
30 years at Pernet, first as Maternal Child Health nurse in 1991, then Director of Nursing in 1993, then Executive Director in 1997.
Married, mother of four sons, grandmother of six. I am one of ten children, eight sisters and one brother. My parents passed away in 2019 at a ripe old age and thankfully before the pandemic.
I graduated in 1978 from Boston College School of Nursing with a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing then worked in Labor & Delivery, Nursery and Postpartum for three years before getting married and having a family. I was fortunate to stay home for ten years raising my children. We moved to Virginia for five years, then moved to New Hampshire, then Connecticut and finally to Worcester in 1989 following my husband’s career path. I took a Nursing refresher course when I was pregnant with my fourth son and went back to work on the maternity floor when he was about one year old. At the same time I saw an ad for Pernet Family Health Service looking for an RN to do home visits to the MCH population of Worcester. It is “right up my alley” and I have never left. In 2005, I got my Master’s in Human Resources at Kennedy Western University through distance learning (not online like today).