Early Intervention
Early Intervention (EI) Program
The Pernet Early Intervention Program is part of a statewide, integrated, developmental service available to families of children between birth and three years of age. Children may be eligible for EI if they have developmental difficulties due to identified disabilities, or if typical development is at risk due to certain birth or environmental circumstances.

The EI Program provides family-centered services that facilitate the developmental progress of eligible children. Early intervention helps children acquire the skills they will need to continue to grow into happy and healthy members of the community. For more information please call Melissa Wenderoth at 508-755-1228 Ext. 249 or email her at mwenderoth@pernetfamilyhealth.org
Who is eligible for Pernet’s Early Intervention?
Any child up to three years of age who lives in the Worcester area may be eligible for EI. The child’s family may be eligible for EI services if the child:
- Is not reaching age-appropriate milestones in one or more areas of development.
- Is diagnosed with a physical, emotional, or cognitive condition that may result in a developmental delay.
- Is at risk for developmental delay due to various biological and/or environmental factors.

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